Invincibowl and RollingStoned Q&A

Invincibowl and RollingStoned Q&A

It's a Bird! No, a Plane! It's InvinciBOWL!

Hey Dudes! Today we get to share an interview with two awesome individuals. The Houkals came together to create "The last bowl you'll ever need". Introducing the creators of the Invincibowl; a stainless-steel bowl PERFECT for those of with disabilities that affect our hands. So, without further ado ... Tell us about yourselves!

Jeff & Gloria: We are Jeff and Gloria Houkal. Invincibowl was created by Jeff, a mechanical engineer with years of experience in product development- inventor of 7 patents. After I, Gloria, broke three glass bowls in the span of 3-4 weeks, he decided he’d had enough so, Jeff set out to create a bowl that did not break and had a captured screen that does not clog easily or burn to a crisp.


*Image description: Three photos of an orange metallic herb bowl. The background is a flower garden.

Jeff & Gloria: The concept quickly went from prototype to launching an actual business. He became a CEO while still working full-time as a mechanical engineer, doing part-time engineering consulting work, and while still working in the entertainment industry as an actor, producer, and visionary jet setter. I became CMO and we've been running ever since. We have found an amazing support system within the cannabis community and I believe we can change the industry standard.

A&A: We were sold the moment you said "unbreakable" and "orange". Amanda breaks bowls all the time because she has neuropathy in both their hands. It makes it even better that it is family created and owned.

You said you've broken your fair share of glass bowls. How did you first discover cannabis?

J&G: I discovered cannabis almost a decade ago when I first began to struggle with my own health. I quickly fell in love with how many diverse medicinal and recreational uses cannabis has. When Jeff asked if he could also indulge- I was thrilled to open him up to the experience. Jeff says, "I use cannabis to better my mental health. I am more present, creative, and simply enjoy the high." I love that we marvel together at its versatility.

A&A: We are the same way. We are always reading and learning new things about cannabis. We marvel at its versatility too! Can you explain what the InvinciBOWL™ is?

*Image description: Orange metallic herb bowl. This is a view from above to show the insert, screen, and handle with thermal covering.
J&G: Invincibowl is a direct replacement to traditional glass bowls and will fit snugly into your existing 14mm setup. The Invincibowl is crafted from aerospace grade aluminum and surgical stainless steel. It also comes equipped with a silicone grip guard to further protect the bowl handler. A 1/4 turn counterclockwise of the screw will release the stainless steel insert and the biomedical grade screen it holds in place. I love the fact that I can finish a bowl and simply tap out the ash without having to stick my pinky in to readjust the screen or replace it. Every unit comes with spare screens to allow the user to really test the durability, easy operation, and cleaner smoking experience.

A&A: We have tried it a good TEN times now, and we can safely say ... it is easy to use, clean, AND IT DOESN'T BREAK! What do you hope to do in the next 5 years?

J&G: We hope to continue to stay innovative and responsive to the cannabis community and its needs- always bringing our very best!

We know you will be! Hit them up on Instagram with anymore questions @InvincibowlofficialLater dudes! ✌

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